business plan

business plan

reclaiming code 777 to fill it with contemporary content
here science meets myth and fact mixes with fiction
focus on the controversial topics avoided on command
to master the mystical heptarchy
we are the pioneers of change recapitulating
mind-frames as an educational tool for adults
unparalleled online-marketing

using the phoenician alphabet to merchandize the idea
on the international, transcultural and omniversal level
broadcast your own program of neurolinguistics
to win the story-wars
we are the avantgarde of transhumanism rising
trend-sets for the next generation
paranormal public relations

mining the ore by being the or
inimitably inspiring innovative ingenuity
feed back every currency into the current sea
to fill the pockets with all we need to processeed
we are a multi-media interface booting
reality-shift of a higher order
a poetic laboratory