egyptian candle

egyptian candle

once upon a time
my body felt the want to escape from the european continent
tired to live among the walking dead
a red-haired woman gave me the hint
to visit the monuments built during taurus
lighting the egyptian candle for the 1st time
decode i-e-s-i-s

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my mind felt the urge to flee the christian spheres
desperate about being stuck in orthodoxy
a black-hearted human projected on me
to follow the footsteps imprinted during aries
burning down the egyptian candle consequently
with greetings from osiris

a cup filled with bloody crime
my soul felt the call to leave the plan once & for all
exhausted of existing in a bitumen bubble
the white goddess appeared for real
to come to terms with the past of pisces
turning on my personal egyptian ka-mantle
sincerely your sirius pussy