inner smile

inner smile

hold on for a moment and share a smile
3eyes all together open up to see the beautiful
jaws and neck smoothly relax
through the windpipe past the throat
from thyroid gland to thymus
heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pankreas and spleen
and of course the sexual organs

say nothing, just smile
the tip of the tongue touches the palate
down the gullet in a saliva drop
calming the stomach digesting
you´ve got the guts to absorb what you need
the work of the colon is to get rid of old shit
urine is delivered by the bladder

supreme good fortune smiles upon us
hypophysis, thalamus, pineal gland
left and right and right and left
cerebrum and cerebellum snuggled up to the cerebral cortex
 from midbrain to pons and medulla oblongata
crown down each vertebra and back up the spine
last but not least the belly-button